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Office Hours 9am - 2pm (Mon-Fri).


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Port Sorell

Port Sorell

Class Facebook Page

1A Pitcairn Street
Tasmania 7307

Phone: 0499911616
Mobile: 0499911616

Class Times / Venues

Monday - 6:00pm to 7:00pm   Camp Banksia Performing Arts Hall.

Wednesday - 6:00pm to 7:00pm   Camp Banksia Performing Arts Hall.

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Your Instructor

Name: AMI T Hyland

NAME: Tammy Hyland

POSITION: Assistant Master Instructor

Shim Jang Taekwondo Assistant Master Instructors (AMI) have many years of experience at Regional Advisor level; the AMI has, through hard work and perseverance, stepped up to another level of responsibility within the WSTA organisation and, by virtue of their position, AMI’s are required to be more heavily focused and involved with the growth and development of the organisation in an allocated area.

An AMI’s primary role is to assist the local Master Instructor in providing local branch Instructors with sound advice and strong support. The AMI is constantly promoting the art by way of regular demonstrations, displays and other promotional initiatives.